Capacitors PCB
So, it is time to fully solder the capacitors PCB in order to get some more relays clicking,.....
I did not solder the HF parts on it yet, but only the capacitors (Glimmer Kondensatoren, Silver Mica) and the relays.
I bought the relays at, the Funk Amateur shop. The distancers at Buerklin electronics. So, everything is on it. Now put the PCB's together. The connectors are crucial, they have to fit 100%, see picture. The result is also given in a picture.

So, after powering on the 13.8V on the communicationPCB I was very curious what was working,....look for next chapter for test results.
HF part of the print.
After a lot of testing of the complete setup (including the Inductors PCB), I soldered all the HF measurement parts on the boards. Some SMD ones took me again some time, but it is possible with a good magnifying glass.
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