Micro controller software

The ATmega32 has a boot loader and an application software package. The following download gives the application software. It is downloadable as a doc file. Chang it to a zip file and unzip it. The BAS-file is created with the BASCOM package. Sometimes you see .BA~ . This is only for communication purposes. Change it to .BAS and start it up in the BASCOM environment. You need a key to run BASCOM for files bigger than 4k (our app is far more than 4k). So you have to buy one or be creative,....


Tuner RS 485 20 Komplett
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Change the filename to .zip instead of .doc and unzip it.



There is also a boot loader installed in the micro controller. Written by Norbert Graupner and specifically for the 1kW tuner.

The bootloader software has the source and the compiled files. The source can be processed with BASCOM, but there are many tools to maintain the source.

I tried to burn the loader into the ATMEGA32 with eXtreme Burner, but that didn't work because you can not burn a second file without erasing the existing files. I did it with BASCOM. You burn first the first file and then the second. It doesn't erase the first.

In BASCOM go to Program --> Send to chip --> Load the file in the Buffer --> Write buffer into chip --Verify


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