
My conclusions at the end of my log:

The PA and other modules of Razvan are ok. They work well and the PA gives you at least 400 Watt, it can do also 500 Watt but I should not go very much higher, to give a little room for the FETs to get rid of the generated heat,......heat,.......Start with the cooling unit. It should cool as hell !!!


With 50Watt input the PA gets actually 2.5 Watt (attenuators) and that gives me 400 Watt output. One full S-point if I compare it with my FT-950 max output of 100Watt. That S-point brings me to a lot more QSO's. With a very simple inverted V 20 meter mono band wire on 9 meter high (top of my house), with a good high power current balun, I can work now almost every night around midnight with South America, the US and the Caribbean (July and August 2020). Using 400 Watt, and receiving via the site.

Did I succeed in my starting goal ???

I did not work Merauke in Papua yet (my place of birth), but China, East Russia, Japan, Thailand, Australia, Tasmania are in my log book, so Merauke will be possible, I would say,....... CQ, CQ, CQ, Merauke, de PE0MJX.

73, happy building, de



Feel free to react, and send me an e-mail.


BUT,.........after a while I was not satisfied with the cooling capacities. It was simply not robust. You constantly look at the temperature, and it comes very close to the 50 degrees C. So I planned to make a KILLER-COOLER,........see the next chapter.