Update of the dipole

Before installing my new tuner, I wanted to upgrade my dipole wire. It was 4 years old and I experimented a lot with it, causing cuts and solderings, and added coils, and so on. Now I bought a new peace of 40m wire (litze) and connected the middle to a plastic insulator. The two long wires of 15m were connected to the roof and to my car house. The two peaces of 5 meter were transformed to the famous chicken ladder, down to the tuner.

Look at this picture:


The tuner was build in a plastic box with a high voltage sticker on it. Safety first heh,....

The second picture shows the connection to the tuner. It is soldered and completely covered with black roof  sealant. Under the sealant are the two ceramic connectors.

The third picture shows the under side of the tuner box. The coax is connected to the tuner via a hole as small as possible/ And the control cable is also connected via the underside. The small connection behind it is meant to be connected to the earth cable, which is planned by pushing a 3 meter long copper tube in the ground close by the tuner. Both cables are going directly to the flour level of the house and are going to the shack over the ground in the building. Earth loops to keep as small as possible. Two ferrites for possible radiation of HF power. Hope that this is enough.

So basically I have now two times 20 meter connected to a symmetrical tuner. That should be working down to 80 meter.


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