The PCB's
We have a number of PCB's:
- The controller PCB
- The Serial interface PCB
- The Capacitors PCB
- The Inductor PCB
- The PCB's for carrying the Inductors.
To produce the PCB's, the factory needs Gerber files. They were not available in the doc, but I could calculate the Gerber files from the sources. These were made with the PCB package "Target". If you don't want to change anything you can use the Viewer of the package to create Gerber files. I did that for all PCB's and sent the Gerber files to the Factory (JLCPCB in China). They produced the PCB's within 14 days. They look OK, and I am very happy with it. Basically I got 5 proto's per PCB (minimum). If you want to change the PCB design, you need a license from Target.

The commands in the Target viewer to get the Gerber files are:
Go to FILE
Go to INPUT/OUTPUT formats
Go to Production
Go to (X)Gerber+drill
Push START in the UI which pops up.
The files are created/calculated.
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