Control unit

I want to control the Amplifier with an Arduino. I have chosen to pick the 2560 Mega. Lots of IO, memory, etc.

The Arduino is used to:

- Drive a 4 lines/20 characters display, used to visualize important parameters.

- Read/Write all information from the Amplifier module status bus, and do some nice things with it.

- Read/Write all information from the Back panel module (Info from the FT-950).

- Drive the fans intelligently

- Read antenna switch input from the front panel, and drive the relays on the Back panel

- Drive the Filter module relays

- Drive the INH function of the FT-950, which happens to be the most important one !!!

- Read Band data from the FT-950

- And probably some more to make it nice and reliable.


I also use a break-out board to get everything nicely connected, and add some other parts.

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